
19 March 2020

ADO.NET Architecture

  Asp.Net CS By Example       19 March 2020
 ADO.NET Architecture  

 In this post we are leaning about ADO.NET Architecture. ADO.NET provides 2 types of architectural for developing database centric application.

   ◆ Connected
   ◆ Disconnected

   In .NET Framework, ADO.NET is defined in the namespace System.Data (the assembly name is System.Data.dll), so all the classes and functions for connected and disconnected components live in the same namespace. Hence, it is important to add a reference of System.Data to our application irrespective of the connected or disconnected architecture.

ADO.NET Architecture

  • Connected Architecture
  •     ADO.NET's Connected Architecture dependent on a consistent database connection to access data and perform any operations on the retrieved data. ADO.NET offers the following Connection,Command,DataReader, Parameter ,DataAdapter etc to help we build our application with a connected architecture.

  • Disconnected Architecture
  •     ADO.NET’s connected architecture dependent on a consistent database connection to access data and perform any operations on the retrieved data. However, in today's complex distributed application environments, it is not possible to dependent on a dedicated database connection to fetch and modify data.
        To help we meet our business requirements and work with ease in our distributed environment, we can utilize ADO.NET's Disconnected Architecture; it offers flexible application design and helps organizations save database connections. Hence, data can be retrieved and then stored locally on the device in the form of a DataSet Object. The retrieved DataSet can be modified by users on their local devices such as laptops, handhelds, tablets, and so on, and once thats done, they can sync the changes into the central data source.ADO.NET offers the following Dataset,Datatable,DataColumn, DataRow etc to help we build our application with a Disconnected Architecture.


    Thanks for reading ADO.NET Architecture

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