
02 October 2020

PL/SQL Cursor

  Asp.Net CS By Example       02 October 2020
 PL/SQL Cursor 
 Cursor : 

     Cursor is a memory area,that hold the data of query which is assigned to cursor.
 Purpose of Cursor : 

     We can not use query in PLSQL block which returns more than 1 row, to handle that query we use cursor.
    There are 2 types of cursor.
     1) Implicit Cursor
     2) Explicit Cursor

  Implicit Cursor :  

     Implicit cursor is managed by the Oracle internally for query.

  Explicit Cursor :  

     Explicit cursor managed by user.

     There are following steps need to follow sequentially for use cursor.
     1) Declaration
       cursor is ;
     2) Open
       open ;
     3) Fetch
       fetch into ;
     4) close
       close ;
     cursor cur_emp is select  emp_sal   from  emp;
     l_emp_sal emp.emp_sal%type;
        open cur_emp;
        fetch cur_emp into l_emp_sal;
            exit when cur_emp%notfound;
            dbms_output.put_line( l_emp_sal);
        end loop; ; 
        dbms_output.put_line('Processed records:-'||cur_emp%rowcount); 
        close cur_emp;

Thanks for reading PL/SQL Cursor

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